Are you taking the Lord’s Name in vain? Do Christians take the Lord’s Name in vain unknowingly or with full knowledge of what they are doing? After what you learn in the rest of this teaching, you will have no excuse. You will be informed of the truth and to watch your mouth as to what comes out. What does it mean to take the Lord’s Name in vain? It simply means to speak the Lord’s name without meaning or emptiness. When you use the Name of God in any way you are to have purpose in our thoughts and action. When you talk to others about God you must really be communicating who God is to that person. We don’t use the Name Of God just because it’s the Christian thing to do.
When we address God by speaking His Name we do so with respect as to a Holy God and with reverence to Someone Who is Great and mighty and is over us in everyway. Read Exodus 20:7 it says: You shall not take the Name Of The Lord Your God in vain. The Lord will not hold him guiltless that takes His Name in vain. This is pretty strong, The Lord has a name that is above every Name and there is Great Power in His Name and when we use it, we need to bow before God’s Mighty Name! It also says in this verse that God will hold this against you if you take His Name in vain. I would not want the wrath of God coming at me. God is a God of Love, Grace and Mercy, but there is more to His character than this. There is also the side of Him, which displays justice, judgment, correction, discipline and His wrath.
We need to be careful as to how we speak when it comes to Almighty God. Matthew 6:9 says: When we pray we hallow The name of our Father in Heaven. This is a posture of worship showing Great respect and reverence to His Holy Name. Look at John 18:6 when Jesus said that He was I Am the people fell backward. There is power in The name Of God. Let us look at an area of our speech that most Christians have little knowledge of. On the day of Pentecost when The church was baptized in The Holy Spirit, they all spoke in tongues, that is they spoke to God (addressing Him) in many different languages giving Glory to His Name.
No matter what language you speak God’s Holy Name, you are to show reverence. Did you know that slang is a language? Look it up in a good dictionary. Slang is defined as a peculiar language also an informal nonstandard vocabulary with changed words. Slang may change the word, the way it sounds and the way it is spelled, but that does not change the meaning. Slang represents the real word. Did you know that many Christians use slang as a language, unfortunately not for good. I have heard even Pastors use slang, speaking The Lord’s Name in vain. Let me give you a couple of slang words for God. They are: gosh, golly, and gee. How often have you heard Christians speak them without giving any thought to God and not showing reverence? These slang words represents the real word for: God and Jesus.
Many Christians use God’s Name in vain while speaking the English language. How many times have you heard some one say: Oh My God. This is taking the Lord’s Name in vain. You are not talking to someone about God when you say this or are you addressing God in your speech. You are using this phrase out of astonishment or amazement, because of something that has happened in your life or someone else’s. Psalms 69:36 says we are to Love His Name (The Lord God) and He has promises for those who Love Him. The name of a person represents the character of the person. When you love and honor a person’s name you are loving and showing respect to that person. Read Jeremiah 10:6 where it says The Lord God is Great and your Name is Great. The Name and The person go together, because the name reflects the character of the person.
The Lord God created us and has redeemed us at the Cross when Jesus died for our sins. We should be grateful for all that the Lord has done for us. Showing honor and respect to God’s Name should be only the beginning of our gratitude. Read Philippians 2: 9-11 There is Great power in The Name of Jesus. You will also find that Jesus earned His title and position by humbling Himself on the Cross, then The Father Highly Exalted Him with a Name above every other name. The Name of Jesus is so powerful that every tongue will confess Him as Lord and every knee Will bow to Him. Colossians 3:17 says that all we (Christians) do should be in The Name of Jesus. When we do something in The Name of a Person, we do it as if we were that person, that is to have the same character and representation of that person in every way.
We should be very concerned about the names we give our children that it reflects the kind of character we want in them. Read 2 Timothy 2:19 it says that if we Name the Name of Christ we should depart from iniquity. In other words, if we as Christians take on Christ Name as our name (that is what being a Christian is, to be like Christ) then we should display the character and representation in every way of Christ. Bill Naugle www.lulu.com/billn
When we address God by speaking His Name we do so with respect as to a Holy God and with reverence to Someone Who is Great and mighty and is over us in everyway. Read Exodus 20:7 it says: You shall not take the Name Of The Lord Your God in vain. The Lord will not hold him guiltless that takes His Name in vain. This is pretty strong, The Lord has a name that is above every Name and there is Great Power in His Name and when we use it, we need to bow before God’s Mighty Name! It also says in this verse that God will hold this against you if you take His Name in vain. I would not want the wrath of God coming at me. God is a God of Love, Grace and Mercy, but there is more to His character than this. There is also the side of Him, which displays justice, judgment, correction, discipline and His wrath.
We need to be careful as to how we speak when it comes to Almighty God. Matthew 6:9 says: When we pray we hallow The name of our Father in Heaven. This is a posture of worship showing Great respect and reverence to His Holy Name. Look at John 18:6 when Jesus said that He was I Am the people fell backward. There is power in The name Of God. Let us look at an area of our speech that most Christians have little knowledge of. On the day of Pentecost when The church was baptized in The Holy Spirit, they all spoke in tongues, that is they spoke to God (addressing Him) in many different languages giving Glory to His Name.
No matter what language you speak God’s Holy Name, you are to show reverence. Did you know that slang is a language? Look it up in a good dictionary. Slang is defined as a peculiar language also an informal nonstandard vocabulary with changed words. Slang may change the word, the way it sounds and the way it is spelled, but that does not change the meaning. Slang represents the real word. Did you know that many Christians use slang as a language, unfortunately not for good. I have heard even Pastors use slang, speaking The Lord’s Name in vain. Let me give you a couple of slang words for God. They are: gosh, golly, and gee. How often have you heard Christians speak them without giving any thought to God and not showing reverence? These slang words represents the real word for: God and Jesus.
Many Christians use God’s Name in vain while speaking the English language. How many times have you heard some one say: Oh My God. This is taking the Lord’s Name in vain. You are not talking to someone about God when you say this or are you addressing God in your speech. You are using this phrase out of astonishment or amazement, because of something that has happened in your life or someone else’s. Psalms 69:36 says we are to Love His Name (The Lord God) and He has promises for those who Love Him. The name of a person represents the character of the person. When you love and honor a person’s name you are loving and showing respect to that person. Read Jeremiah 10:6 where it says The Lord God is Great and your Name is Great. The Name and The person go together, because the name reflects the character of the person.
The Lord God created us and has redeemed us at the Cross when Jesus died for our sins. We should be grateful for all that the Lord has done for us. Showing honor and respect to God’s Name should be only the beginning of our gratitude. Read Philippians 2: 9-11 There is Great power in The Name of Jesus. You will also find that Jesus earned His title and position by humbling Himself on the Cross, then The Father Highly Exalted Him with a Name above every other name. The Name of Jesus is so powerful that every tongue will confess Him as Lord and every knee Will bow to Him. Colossians 3:17 says that all we (Christians) do should be in The Name of Jesus. When we do something in The Name of a Person, we do it as if we were that person, that is to have the same character and representation of that person in every way.
We should be very concerned about the names we give our children that it reflects the kind of character we want in them. Read 2 Timothy 2:19 it says that if we Name the Name of Christ we should depart from iniquity. In other words, if we as Christians take on Christ Name as our name (that is what being a Christian is, to be like Christ) then we should display the character and representation in every way of Christ. Bill Naugle www.lulu.com/billn
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